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The fast and easy way to create and find warm leads on LinkedIn [Guide for recruiters]

Ready to find 25+ warm leads within 7 days on LinkedIn?

As a recruiter, most of the working day is spent chasing people via cold outreach on LinkedIn. This method is super time-consuming and most people don’t reply because they simply don’t know or trust you.

But it can be different… If you follow the process in this document you will hack the LinkedIn Algorithm in just 15 minutes per day and drive warm leads whenever you want them.

Inside you will find a step by step guide to

  • Grow and engage with your 1st degree connections on Linkedin
  • Find 5+ per warm leads day
  • Follow up and convert sales opportunities from the leads

Over 5000 recruiters around the globe are following this process daily and the results have been amazing! You can have this too!

Success stories

£1m in revenue that has come 100% inbound as a result of my LinkedIn Brand.

Kyle Winterbottom

Founder & CEO | Orbition

I’m a one-man band up against agencies that probably have eight people each working this market. Having 80 new candidates, skilled candidates, CVs, conversations, and new relationships in three weeks. That’s priceless to me.

Daniel Munn

Founder & CEO | | Globalcity

We no longer have to convince any candidates or clients to choose to work with us.

Ryan Kelly

Director | Creative Natives

£120 000 offers of which £95k- £100k of those went through. For us as a small business that's been doing it for 12 months, that’s some return on investment.

Andy Taylor

Director | Exchange Street Executive Search

It's hard to pay for that kind of marketing out there - and in a market that is very relevant. You're reaching the exact type of people you need.

Clayton Simons

COO | Norwood

When you start to transcend your message on a platform, you elevate it to 15, 20, 30,000 people consistently. The hard yards become easier. We’re getting a lot more inbound. It's amazing.

Gary Thompson

Managing Partner | Staffhost Europe