How GlobalCity’s one-man team outperforms competitors with relevant, targeted LinkedIn content

Within just 4 weeks, Dan Munn, Founder and MD of GlobalCity, has already seen tangible results from his efforts in the Personal Brand Academy.

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Over 200 first-degree connections
Dan’s grown his network with relevant candidates and potential clients
80 new solid candidate relationships
He’s built up his network with valid CVs and positive new conversations
Weekly content impressions quadrupled
His reach has grown from 2 700 to over 8 000 in just 4 weeks
12k deal in first three weeks
Dan connected a new client and a new candidate off the back of a post

The Challenge

Dan Munn is the Founder and MD at GlobalCity. He started the business 14 years ago, and initially focused his attention on the niche PeopleSoft space. 


Over the years, his business has shifted from a one-man-band up to a team of seven, and back down to one. 


As the market changed, he kept pivoting with it. 


This included moving away from his previous niche of on-site ERP talent into markets like NetSuite and Oracle Cloud, but it also meant embracing business change. 


About 14 months ago, after the tumultuous Covid period, Dan accepted an offer for acquisition of his business and sold a 50% stake in the operations. 


But he soon realised that wasn’t the way he wanted to work. 


So, he pivoted once more and bought back the 50% share and regained full control of his company. 


That brings us to the beginning of 2023, when Dan decided to take the plunge and take charge of his brand. 


“I need a bigger reach, and I need it quick!”


It was this motivation that brought Dan to the Hoxo Academy. He knew that he needed to do something BIG to stand out as a one-person recruitment agency in a competitive market.  He’s competing against larger businesses and simply wasn’t able to reach the same number of candidates on his own. 


In many ways, what’s made the biggest impact on Dan’s business is realising what he hasn’t been doing. 


“It’s been eye-opening!” he says. 


The Academy is giving him a tangible way to track his network and grow his reach. In fact, in the first month, he’s already grown his weekly impressions from around the 2 700 mark to over 8 000. 


That’s a 4x increase in just four weeks! 


Dan’s been able to grow his network with relevant connections and, more than anything, has been reaching people with content that resonates. 


In fact, this is exactly what lead to him closing a deal off the back of his LinkedIn profile within just three weeks of joining the Academy. 


After publishing a post, he was contacted out of the blue by an old acquaintance who wanted to let him know that he loved the content. As an aside, he asked if Dan could help him fill a role – one that just so happened to be precisely within GlobalCity’s niche.


Then, as if the Linkedin post hadn’t done enough, a suitable candidate liked the post. 


This specific candidate hadn’t been in Dan’s network, and he would not have had any other way of knowing that they would be a good fit. 


Using the skills he’d already gained from the first couple of weeks in the Academy, including the use of voice messages on LinkedIn, he reached out. 


The rest, as they say, is history! A £12 000 deal within WEEKS of joining. 


This is just the start for Dan, and we’re so excited to see what he achieves next! 

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Success stories

ÂŁ1m in revenue that has come 100% inbound as a result of my LinkedIn Brand.

Kyle Winterbottom

Founder & CEO | Orbition

I’m a one-man band up against agencies that probably have eight people each working this market. Having 80 new candidates, skilled candidates, CVs, conversations, and new relationships in three weeks. That’s priceless to me.

Daniel Munn

Founder & CEO | | Globalcity

We no longer have to convince any candidates or clients to choose to work with us.

Ryan Kelly

Director | Creative Natives

£120 000 offers of which £95k- £100k of those went through. For us as a small business that's been doing it for 12 months, that’s some return on investment.

Andy Taylor

Director | Exchange Street Executive Search

It's hard to pay for that kind of marketing out there - and in a market that is very relevant. You're reaching the exact type of people you need.

Clayton Simons

COO | Norwood

When you start to transcend your message on a platform, you elevate it to 15, 20, 30,000 people consistently. The hard yards become easier. We’re getting a lot more inbound. It's amazing.

Gary Thompson

Managing Partner | Staffhost Europe

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